Monday, September 23, 2013

Open House!

Thanks for coming to Open House!  A few reminders or items I forgot to mention:

House Parents:  
• Our RAD theme is Sesame Street / Stars from TV shows - RAD is next Friday - RAD is one of our biggest fund raisers (without sending kids door to door selling magazines).
• Please send boxes of tissues, pencils, and bottles of hand sanitizer gel before the flu season starts. Pencils are also prized item. 

6th grader parents:
• Although HW is on my blog, the main source for students is their planners. HW is written on the board where it stays until next day. Some students come to my classroom at the end of the day when they realized they forgot to write their HW on their planners. 
• The planner can be a way to communicate when students are not doing their HW efficiently. It is called a "traveler". I can sign a presented planner to confirm that HW was indeed done for the day. Parents will then act accordingly.