Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Exercices pour l'été - Don't forget all you learned this year!!

These are some links and ideas to keep French fresh for next year. In coming 7th graders, remember that you will be 8th graders next year, and that it will be a great, but maybe challenging year. Books to read for our history unit will be added at the bottom of this page.

The first ones are magazines. Reading something that interests you is a good way to enjoy this skill. You can also make a point of choosing to learn a few words (5 or 6) per article to built up your French lexicon.

http://www.wapiti-actu.com/ (mostly animals)
http://www.geoado.com/ (Geography)
http://www.futura-sciences.com (science, but you can choose in which field by choosing a particular magazine)

Websites to review French (vocab., grammar, conjugation, ...)
http://www.ortholud.com : (choose early grades first (CP, CE1, CE2, CM1,CM2 (1-5 grades), Collège = Middle school. Although CP is 1st grade, some exercises are great for you (la vs. le / homophones (sait, c'est, ses, ces,...).


Website to test your knowledge of French and topics we studied.

http://www.education.vic.gov.au/languagesonline/french/french.htm  (words)
http://jeux-geographie.fr/ (géographie)

Web site to learn French (found in tv5monde.com)

http://sports.tv5monde.com/cyclisme/tour-de-france/ (to follow Le Tour de France)


Web site to improve listening while learning interesting facts:
interesting series of video - you can click on "transcription" to read along -
Check this one, then look at the bottom for similar video -

Books to read:
The Three Musketeers - Dumas (fun + action packed)
The Tale of Two City - Charles Dickens

Anything that tells a story from 1400 to 1799 is great... (suggestions? wiebe_c@4j.lane.edu)