Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bienvenue à l'année scolaire 2016-2017!

Hello students and guardians!
Welcome to my blog where you (both groups) can find most of the information you need to know to have a successful year. Students can find all their homework, links to material seen in class (such as websites, paintings, videos, songs, etc...), link to Synergy, and parents can find information about big projects (Immigration Simulation, November 17th),  field trips (Tuesday, October 25th, a trip to Ashland), course descriptions (we strive to be paperless), movies or local events that might add to what your children are currently learning in my classes.

What your students need for my classes:
2 spiral notebooks each for one subject only (100 pages), but wide enough to be able to glue documents in it (Mead
Five Star are good - currently $3 at Staples).

A good supply of pens or pencils (depending on what they like to write with) + erasers.

 Colored pencils.

A glue stick.

A good place to keep class packets (I assume the binder). If students want to travel light, they could use a two-pocket folder to keep the class packets, and bring their notebooks, planner, and pencil pouch to class (without their bulky binder).

Most writing/slide shows will be done through Google Docs/Presentations, so there is little need for a flash drive.  However when 6th graders work on their audio books, this tool might become handy. Make sure to sign the K-8 Google Apps permission form so that your student can access Google docs.